From left to right: Ross Barros-Smith, Denise Lau, Justine Greenwood, Irene Porro, and Suzanne Wright


Dr. Irene Porro

Dr. Irene Porro is the Direc­tor of the Christa Corrigan McAuliffe Center for Inte­grated Science Learning at Framingham State Univer­sity. Under her leadership, the Center adopted its new mission to be a leader in developing opportunities for integrated science learning through the sharing of re­sources, building of partner­ships, and the advancement of educational practices. She is also the lead for the MetroWest STEM Education Network Ecosystem, a mem­ber of an international com­munity of practice dedicated to promoting quality educa­tion and career pathways in science, technology, engi­neering, and mathematics.

A professional scientist with a deep commitment to social justice, in her work Dr. Porro combines research skills in physics and astro­physics with an interdisci­plinary approach to educa­tion to promote equity and diversity in STEM fields. She works to support initiatives where both the arts and the sciences are fully respected and valued.


Suzanne Wright
Assistant Director

Suzanne manages the operations for informal science education programs offered by the McAuliffe Center and MetroWest STEM Education Network (MSEN). She assists groups schedule and prepare for McAuliffe Center programming by working directly with educators and field trip organizers. She oversees the facilitation of space mission simulations in the Challenger Learning Center and ensures equipment and technology are properly maintained. Annually, she helps run the Science on State Street festival (April) and Massachusetts STEM Week activities (October). Finally, she assists with the execution of marketing and promotional materials for the McAuliffe Center and MSEN, including social media content, newsletters, and websites.

Suzanne received her Bachelor of Arts in History from Framingham State University and minored in Museum Studies, Business Administration, and Irish Studies. She is passionate about hands-on learning that takes place outside of the classroom, non-profit organizations, and volunteering.


Ross Barros-Smith
Planetarium and Media Technology Manager


Denise Lau
Administrative Assistant


Justine Greenwood
Communication and Digital Media Coordinator

Justine manages marketing, communications, web design, and social media for the McAuliffe Center and MetroWest STEM Education Network. She implements her skills in graphic design to promote the Center’s educational programs, public events and special events. Annually, Justine organizes Science on State Street festival and Massachusetts STEM Week events. Often, Justine will facilitate art based activities with visiting school groups.

Justine is an alumna of Framingham State University where she received a Bachelor of Arts with a concentration in Graphic Design and minor in Art History. She believes art enhances STEM learning and understanding.



Laura Bilazarian Purutyan
Workforce Development and Community Relations Specialist


Natalie Daly
Environmental & Sustainability Programs Coordinator

Natalie works with high school students to introduce them to climate critical occupations and facilitates the development of environmental curricula and advocacy projects in her role as the Environmental and Sustainability Coordinator for the McAuliffe Center. She also uses her experience in environmental education and communication to implement community outreach and engagement programs for MassEnergize, in partnership with the McAuliffe Center.

Natalie holds a Masters degree in Environmental Science and Policy and a Bachelors in Environmental Studies, both from Clark University. She is passionate about science communication and making science accessible to all.


Alyson Rankin
Planetarium Program Presenter



Alix Ayoub
Aleksandra Basova
Sirjana Bhatta
Olivia Dunleavy
Sejal Harkut
Cadence Lucia
Cesar Matos
Maureen Parker
Ligia Puma
Jean Schultz
Anthony Venturim


Learn more about Work Study positions available at the McAuliffe Center.