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Lena Richard and Julia Child: Two Women Who Changed Culinary History

Lena Richard and Julia Child: Two Women Who Changed Culinary History

Co-hosted by the Christa McAuliffe Center

To register:

Lena Richard_Courtesy Newcomb Archives and Vorhoff Library.jpeg

Through their cookbooks, teaching, and television programs, these extraordinary women inspired generations of people to take cooking seriously. They challenged perceptions and stereotypes of women in their respective eras and made lasting contributions to culinary history. Their stories, reflective of their very different backgrounds, reveal insights about women, race, food, and culture in 20th-century America.

Featuring: Paula Johnson, Curator, National Museum of American History and Ashley Rose Young, PhD, Historian, National Museum of American History

Celebrating Women’s History Month with the Smithsonian


The Christa McAuliffe Center and the Danforth Art Museum at Framingham State University, a Smithsonian Affiliate, will co-host three virtual lectures organized by the Smithsonian Institution to celebrate Women’s History Month. These talks spotlight some of the Smithsonian scholars featured in the publication Smithsonian American Women: Remarkable Stories of Strength, Ingenuity and Vision from the National Collection. All talks support the Smithsonian American Women's History Initiative, designed to create, disseminate, and amplify the historical record of the accomplishments of American women.


Lena Richard, around 1939. Courtesy of the Lena Richard Collection at the Newcomb Archives and Vorhoff Library Special Collections, Newcomb College Institute, Tulane University.