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AstroNights LIVE: Jupiter and Saturn: the Gas Giants

Friday, July 10, 7:00pm 

View recording on YouTube:

About AstroNights:

Join us at 7:00pm on select Fridays for a half-hour presentation exploring everyone’s favorite astronomy topics. From the colorful characters in our own solar system to the weird and wonderful things far beyond, each program is sure to contain something of interest to armchair astronomers of all ages. Click here for more information about past AstroNights events, including how to access recordings.


The links below include resources mentioned during the program, suggested follow-up activities, and more!

Planets Visible in the Night Sky from find out when each of the planets will rise, set, and cross your meridian (be directly overhead). This guide also shows you where in the sky to look for each planet.

MicroObservatory: control robotic telescopes to take high-quality astrophotos of celestial objects both near and far (Jupiter is a favorite!). Tutorials and other educational resources available.

NASA’s Juno Mission - currently in orbit around Jupiter.

More information about Jupiter, its moons, and exploration missions from NASA.

Comet NEOWISE as seen from the ISS - from Astronomy Picture of the Day July 10 2020

Comet NEOWISE on Sky and Telescope - Breathtaking images captured by amateur astronomers and advice on how locate it in your sky.

Why do comets have 2 tails? - See a beautiful image of the famous comet Hale-Bopp from 1997, with an explanation of the 2 visible tails

What’s Up Video Podcast for July - updated to include lots of tips on observing Comet NEOWISE

Earlier Event: June 30
Asteroid Day