Tuesday, April 22
9:00am - 12:15PM
for Individual Participants in grades 5-8
Two-hour Expedition Mars mission simulation followed by an AI workshop led by MathWorks. For individual participants in grades 5-8 during April School Vacation.
tuesday, april 22 PROGRAM
Time: 9:00am - 12:15pm (includes mission AND workshop)
Age Group: Children in grades 5-8
Cost: $35 per participant
Expedition Mars
Simulated Space Mission
The year is 2076. A handful of facilities have been established on Mars: a greenhouse, a mobile geological survey base, and a centralized research habitat. The primary human habitat is not on Mars, but on one of its moons, Phobos. A Spacecraft regularly ferries astronauts and scientists between the base on Phobos and the surface of Mars. The Spacecraft also carries parts to build a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) to continue the search for evidence of life and water. However, when crew members discover an imminent threat to their Spacecraft and the Martian surface facilities, they must act quickly to save their stations, their research, and their lives.
AI Workshop led by MathWorks
Join us for an exciting hands-on workshop exploring Artificial Intelligence! Learn what AI is, how it works, and where you encounter it in everyday life. Discover how AI can classify objects, then put your knowledge to the test with a fun rock classification activity. No prior experience needed—just bring your curiosity! Get ready to think like an AI scientist!
Workshop Presenter:
Neha Sardesai
Neha is an Education Application Engineer with a PhD in biomedical engineering, working at MathWorks. She collaborates with university partners to address technical and business challenges, demonstrating the value of MATLAB and Simulink in education and research. She has experience mentoring, leading workshops, and collaborating with industry partners. She loves running, swimming, and knitting for her two boys. A passionate reader, she enjoys fantasy and sci-fi books.
Drop off: Starting at 8:30am
Expedition Mars Mission: 9:00am - 11:00am
Break: 11:00am - 11:15am
AI Workshop led by MathWorks: 11:15am - 12:15pm
Pick up: 12:15pm
The McAuliffe Center is located at the rear of O’Connor Hall on the campus of Framingham State University. Entering 7 Maynard Road, Framingham MA, 01702 into most GPS apps will bring you directly to the entrance into the O’Connor Hall parking lot. You may drop off and pick up participants directly in front of the McAuliffe Center entrance.
Parents/guardians, if you intend to stay on campus after drop-off and while your participant is doing the program, please get a parking pass from Campus Police.
[NOTE: if pick up will be later than 12:15pm, call: 508-626-4050]
To guarantee full enjoyment of the program, participants are encouraged to arrive by 8:45am at the latest. [NOTE: should you need to drop off ahead of time or if pick up will be later than 12:15pm call: 508-626-4050]
This program, though highly entertaining, is designed to deliver a STEM learning experience that requires participants to actively engage in a wide range of tasks in a timely fashion.
Participants are encouraged to bring a water bottle. Water can be filled/refilled at the Center.
Programming does include a break for snack but food is not provided by the McAuliffe Center.
Cost: $35 per participant
Questions? Contact McAuliffe Center at cmc@framingham.edu