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April 17: Middle School Program

April 17
Middle School Program

for individual participants

A two-hour program for individual participants to engage in a space mission simulation in the newly-renovated Challenger Learning Center!


These hands-on STEM experiences take place in a fully-immersive Briefing Room, Space Station, and Mission Control led by trained program facilitators.

Surrounded by technology, each participant plays a unique role in the mission as the team completes assignments, manipulates hands-on labs, and copes with simulated emergencies. Teamwork is crucial! If one member fails to complete a job, the entire mission can be put at risk.

april 17 PROGRAM

Date: Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Time: 9:00am - 11:30am
Age Group: Children in grades 6-9
Cost: $35 per participant

Cost: $35 per participant


Lunar Quest

Simulated Space Mission

NASA recently launched a Rover to the Moon to explore new areas and collect critical scientific data. However, the Rover lost power before any of the findings were sent back to Earth. We need a faster and more reliable process to gather this type of information. NASA has a new directive—human astronauts will return to the Moon!

As a team of astronauts, you must board a Spacecraft and launch to the Moon in search of a long-term habitat. Another team of scientists and engineers are stationed in Mission Control on Earth to command and assist the astronauts on this mission. Once the Spacecraft crew successfully lands on the Moon, they must deploy a Lunar Exploration Rover to identify a suitable location for a sustainable long-term human habitat.


Drop off: 9:00am
Mission: 9:30am - 11:30am
Pick up: 11:30am
[NOTE: if pick up will be later than 11:30am, call: 508-626-4050]

The McAuliffe Center is located at the rear of O’Connor Hall on the campus of Framingham State University. Entering 7 Maynard Road, Framingham MA, 01702 into most GPS apps will bring you directly to the entrance into the O’Connor Hall parking lot. You may drop off and pick up participants directly in front of the McAuliffe Center entrance.

Parents/guardians, if you intend to stay on campus after drop-off and while your participant is doing the program, please get a parking pass from Campus Police.


  • To guarantee full enjoyment of the program, participants are encouraged to arrive by 9:15am at the latest. [NOTE: should you need to drop off ahead of time, call: 508-626-4050]

  • This program, though highly entertaining, is designed to deliver a STEM learning experience that requires participants to actively engage in a wide range of tasks in a timely fashion.

  • Participants are encouraged to bring a water bottle. Water can be filled/refilled at the Center.

  • Programming does not include a break for lunch nor is lunch provided.

Cost: $35 per participant

Questions? Contact McAuliffe Center at